
Chicago Master Consulting partners have been coaching managers to produce extraordinary results for over 40 years and can help you address the critical issues in your company. We focus on five areas, bringing a disciplined approach to help you transform your company.

  • People

    • Does your team have the necessary skills and experience?

    • How well does your team work together?

    • Is your company an employer of choice?

  • Sales and marketing

    • Competitive analysis

    • Implementing and using sales CRM systems

    • Incentive programs

  • Reporting

    • Rear window reporting

    • Front windshield reporting

  • Forecasting

    • Short term cash flow forecasting

    • Long term pro-forma modeling & setting goals

  • Strategic planning

    • Are you fishing in a red ocean or a blue ocean? A red ocean is a market with numerous competitors where only the bigger fish thrive and a blue ocean is a market where competition is slim and you have an opportunity to become a market leader.

Whatever it is we’re working on, we work closely with our clients. Whether that’s developing leadership skills or uncovering pivot points for accelerated growth and profitability.